Friday 9 October 2009

Final Animation

After a week of toiling over page after page and doing nothing to help reduce tree consumption, myself and my group have finished our

Here is my final animation running at 11 seconds long!

I have also found one of my fellow classmates on Youtube, here is Jess' animation as well!

I'm really excited for tonight as well, I have my animation friendies over for some digital drawing and then we're going to Rob's for another pizza and Xbox 360 gaming session, gonna be awesome!

I went out for a lovely meal last night with my boyfriend, Alex and his Dad, it was really nice and it was great to have a proper dinner for once!

Also, I believe I have forgotten to mention that Alex has been upgraded here at Uni. Originally he applied for the Film & Video course but his interview didn't go well and he was offered foundation instead. Of course, at college he made an amazing film (which you can watch below) and achieved the best grade at National Diploma level! So, he recently got speaking to the Uni about the problem, met the leader of the Film course, showed the leader his final film and he was so impressed he got a place! I am very happy and proud for him!!! :)

Here is his fabulous film! (Starring the amazing Ally Goodman and Eduardo Evers-Swindell!)

Here's to another great week! :D
Missing everyone back home and really looking forward to my visit!
Love Gemma xxx

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